Discover How To Be More Productive, Achieve Your Goals & Dreams, Spend More Free Time With Those You Love, And Have A Sense Of Peace That Fills Your Life.

Katrina Is An Expert Goal-Achiever And She Knows You Too Can Become One!

When You Sign Up You Will Gain Access To The GPS Mastery Secrets

GPS – Goal Positioning System

GPS Mastery is a proven, strategic system has not only transformed my life, but the lives of those I have had the privilege to come alongside and serve. Having and using the secrets of this system will position both women and men alike to move from:
  • Feeling overwhelmed to having a clear direction to take.
  • Feeling like a failure to becoming a conqueror.
  • Getting our of the traffic jam of life to the path of reaching their goals and dreams
  • Allowing time for themselves and quality time with those they love and care about. 

Why Did Katrina Create GPS?

As a wife, mother, and multiple businesses owner, I previously struggled with feeling like a failure. I often felt defeated and overwhelmed when it came to having a work-life balance.

I was praying for a system, of sorts, to free me of the overwhelm. I knew that I needed to find a way to be able to accomplish all God had in store for me so that I could fulfill my purpose. 
After praying, God began to show me several adjustments that I could make. Before I knew it, I had nailed down a system that resulted in me being able to accomplish my dreams at record speed without compromising time with my family.

It took me from feelings of confusion and asking, ‘How is it even possible to do all these things?’, to me being able to boldly declare, ‘Wow! Not only is it possible, but I can accomplish all of this without sacrificing every last waking minute.’ After implementing the new found system, that I have now turned into the GPS Mastery, life became exciting!
I want to provide massive value to my community! My goal is to help others who struggle with these same feelings that I felt to be able to:
  • Take back their power
  • Find their peace in a crazy world
  • Head down the path of their choosing
I want you to be able to:
  • Elevate yourself to a higher level
  • Serve those around you in a greater capacity
  • Impact the lives of those you love and the world
I am now sharing the GPS Mastery program I created so that I can empower you with the tools it takes to achieve your dreams without the overwhelm.

I know that by going through GPS Mastery, you too can live victorious! You can overcome the challenges and obstacles to reach your goals, all while still being able to do things you love with the people you love.  

Who You Will Be Learning From

Katrina Yniguez

Katrina is the Queen of Crushing Goals and does so without sacrificing the things in life that bring her joy, like time with her family. 

Through her GPS Mastery course, she helps others join her in taking back their power and activating a system that works to achieve their dream life.

Katrina believes all dreams are possible. She knows when you apply the GPS Mastery system, you too can become an expert goal-achiever and crush your goals! 

Katrina has combined the GPS Mastery secrets with persistence to drive unprecedented success not only in her life, but in the lives of others!

Katrina's 6 Pillar Approach

In GPS Mastery, Katrina uses a 6-pillar approach to help you reach your goals. GPS Mastery takes into consideration the following six aspects of your life:

Katrina will help you reach your goals without having to sacrifice your health, relationships, or growth in any area of the 6-pillars. If you are looking for a holistic and well-rounded approach to making your dreams achievable, then GPS Mastery is for you.

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Learn LIVE From Expert Katrina Who Will Help You Achieve Your Goals And Dreams

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Receive Instant Access To The GPS Mastery Program

Gain access & start mastering your life in this transformational course where you will go from overwhelmed to being well-organized, living energized, and having more time with those you love.

Live Q&A

This is your opportunity to finally get the answers you need to take control of your time so you can reach your goals, fulfill your passions, and have more time for self-care.

Private Facebook Community Group

Receive access to the GPS Mastery Exclusive Facebook group, where you will connect with Katrina and your GPS Mastery peers. This group is the perfect platform to begin sharing your journey with others, receive the support you need, and make friends that can last a lifetime.


Life’s Roadmap To Your Desired Destination

In GPS Mastery, we will reveal the secrets of how to; set time frames for your goals and then measure your progress towards each one. GPS's strategic secrets assure that you will reach your goals.

CAR – Custom Action Route

In the GPS Mastery, CAR stands for Custom Action Route.

If you do not want to go with the crowd and get stuck in the traffic of a busy, unfulfilled life where your dreams are never come to fruition, then it is imperative to design YOUR CARs that will take you to your dream destination.

A lot of people fail to achieve their goals because they are going for cookie-cutter life planning. That only works if you want to do the exact same things everyone else is doing.

MAP – Master Action Plan

In the GPS Mastery, MAP stands for Master Action Plan.

When you are on a road trip, looking at a map to visually see where you are going is a game-changer! This is the same in life. To achieve your goals, you first have to see them clearly laid out in front of you.

The Master Action Plan serves as a that roadmap for you to visualize all of your goals and dreams and know which CAR will take you there.

GPS – Goal Positioning System

When you head out on a road trip, what is one of the first things you normally do?

Activate your GPS system so you do not get lost along the way!

GPS (Goal Positioning System) Mastery does just that, it helps you get where you want to go and reach your goals without getting distracted, confused, or lost.

The sooner you activate the secrets in the GPS Mastery program, the sooner you will have a clear pathway to achieve all your goals and live your dream life. Not your neighbors or best friends, but Your Uniquely Designed Life!

But Don't Just Take It From Us

Here’s What Other Clients Are Saying About Katrina
Super great course! I love Katrina and her love of other and how she communicates clearly and smiles the entire time!
Great energy! Very positive, motivating, inspiring and great at painting vision of how this can help to have intentionality with time and goals.
I feel less pressure and guilt. I am able to enjoy doing things and not feeling guilty about having other things in my schedule besides working 24/7.
- Brooke G
Katrina is amazing to work with. Her people skills and professionalism makes her training a delight. The system is clear and refreshing. Life is a Highway; she is blessing us as part of the journey.
It was great, I have new ways to look at time and life.
- Dave B
I thoroughly enjoyed the GPS Mastery Course! I learned so much about myself, my habits, good and bad, and how I can organize my time so I can include some of the things I want to do and accomplish some of the things I was not able to do. It's comforting to know that I can go back through the course program if I need a refresher and I know, Katrina will be there to help and support me if I find I am at a stumbling block.
- Jill V
The GPS Mastery was an excellent course. I have looked at my daily activities closer since the course. I am motivated to really dive in and set up a schedule now. Before I just listed everything and many times never completed the tasks. GPS Mastery gives a easy, understandable way to set up your week with important tasks and still leave time for yourself and family by putting them in as non-negotiables. I know that implementing these steps will better my time and schedule. I just need to put it to use!
- Kristi G
Before I took the GPS Mastery Class I was floating through my day with no real plan in place. I had courses I had taken a year earlier that I really wanted to get to, but I felt like I had no time between all the other stuff I needed to do.
There are no longer any questions about what is happening tomorrow. It’s already on my schedule with time allotted for anything else that might come up. I’m excited to see what all I can accomplish this year with Katrina’s teaching!
- Amber Q
Great course!! I feel good about the direction of my life. I feel like I have broken through that invisible barrier that was keeping me from actually reaching my goals. Very thorough, organized, clear, professional and patient.
- Flower H

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does This Work?
- I take you through the secrets of the GPS (Goal Positioning System) so that you can finally reach your goals. We will take a deep dive into the secrets that have been unleashing both men and women, just like you, to pursue and achieve their dreams while also gaining more peace, joy, and time with those they love.
How Do I Know This Is For Me?
- Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, way too busy, unfocused, confused, or totally physically and emotionally exhausted?

If you answered yes, then GPS Mastery will reveal to you the secrets you need to get back to the life you love. Gaining clarity on your goals and having the tools you need to plan for your success in business and personal goals.

If you struggle with a sense of failure, worthlessness, or a lack of purpose, you are not alone! GPS Mastery will help you ignite your purpose and create a clear, achievable success path.

Are you are pumped up and excited about the dreams on the horizon of your life? Yes! Then GPS is designed for Go-Getters to gain the life of their dreams. If you already know what you want, then the secrets of GPS Mastery will help you making those dreams a reality.
What Will I Gain From This?
- In GPS Mastery, we will cover how to make each day your best day! You will learn a practical system that leads you from feeling worn out and unbalanced to energized. From having way too much to do on your plate to being excited to wake up every day and follow a plan with proven success.

GPS Mastery has helped countless men and women show up powerfully every day. It has helped them reach their personal, business, and family goals by looking at each category of life.

You will learn what GPS Mastery is and why it is such a successful system in transforming lives. Will you be the next life transformed?

©2021 COPYRIGHT Katrina Yniguez
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising for years and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.